Charlie Gard's parents: 'Baby Oliver has made our fight for Charlie's Law even more important'

Charlie Gard's parents: 'Baby Oliver has made our fight for Charlie's Law even more important'

Connie Yates and Chris Gard want to give other parents the chance to avoid long and distressing court battles.

Oliver Gard arrived in August
Image: Connie Yates, Chris Gard and baby Oliver, who arrived in August

His parents, Connie Yates and Chris Gard, were locked in a high-profile legal battle with medical professionals over Charlie's care, who was suffering from the rare genetic disorder - encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDDS).

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They wanted to wanted to take Charlie to the US for experimental treatment, but Great Ormond Street Hospital and other medical professionals opposed the idea.

They said Charlie's condition had worsened to the point where the damage to his brain and other organs was too severe for the treatment to help.

After numerous hearings, the couple lost their battle and Charlie passed away in a hospice when he was 11 months old.

Now Ms Yates and Mr Gard, who welcomed baby boy Oliver in August, are pushing to pass Charlie's Law to give parents of seriously ill children more options when they disagree with hospitals.

Here they explain how baby Oliver has inspired their fight and why they are pushing for the bill to become law in Charlie's name.

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